Go Sustainably

Hey, I’m Robbie, a sustainable traveler!

Welcome to Go Sustainably! I am Robbie, the face and sustainable traveler behind Go Sustainably.

I am super passionate about traveling and sustainability, so why not combine the two? 

How I Got Started

*Let’s Get Started*

About Go Sustainably

GoSustainably is a sustainability travel platform that can help you plan your next ~sustainable~ trip and learn more about the sustainable practices in the places you are visiting. From finding the coolest sustainable eco lodge to stay in, to learning about which city has the most innovative green infrastructure, and to booking an ethical animal experience, this platform will be your go to sustainable travel space! 

Why Traveling Sustainably is Necessary

Our planet is deteriorating quickly, and as morbid as that sounds, it is the truth. This is why we need to switch to a more sustainable mindset! Traveling is a huge contributor to climate change, however, for many people, traveling is inevitable. Whether you travel for fun, work, or for family, traveling is a necessity. Instead of stopping traveling completely (which is not possible), learn how to do so in a way that helps offset the negative impacts. 

As I like to say, traveling is inevitable, so traveling sustainably is necessary! 

How I Got Started with Go Sustainably

At a young age, I had the privilege of traveling all over the world from Europe to Asia and even Africa a couple of times. My parents always prioritized travel and new experiences, while also teaching us the importance of travel. While these experiences taught me the wonderful and beautiful side of traveling and learning about new cultures, it also opened my eyes to the damage we are causing to our environment. At a young age, I learned why we need to treat our planet better and live more mindfully and sustainably. 

Why I Started GoSustainably

At fifteen, I remember sitting on the edge of a boat in Laos, in awe of all the natural beauty that surrounded me. However, when I looked down at the river, all I saw was the trash floating by. Mounds of trash were being piled up around the boat and there were even children swimming through it, women washing clothes in it, and animals drinking from it. 


A year later as I was walking on a beach in Accra, Ghana, I was shocked again by the piles of trash where sand dunes should be. Here there were children jumping on these trash piles, goats eating the trash, and people rummaging through it. Here I was again in a foreign country, in the outdoors, surrounded by beauty but all I could focus on was the trash. This is a reality for many people around the world, and some people have just accepted that this is our ‘normal’, but I don’t want to sit by and watch our climate worsen, our environment deteriorate, instead I want to take action. 


These experiences and many others like them, are what has inspired me to start to live a more sustainable and mindful lifestyle. However, my passion for traveling will never end, so here I am, combining my two passions and teaching others how to do so as well! 

Now, I see myself as a sustainable traveler, someone who spends most of her free time hiking, skiing, biking, camping, and of course, traveling the world!

I am constantly learning more about how to continue to enjoy traveling, but in a more sustainable manner. I cannot wait to share all of this with you, so we can all Go Sustainably together!

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